The First Chiasm Show Ever

October 1998: The Labyrinth : Detroit, MI
The very first Chiasm show ever was at the Labyrinth in Detroit in 1998.
It was a Tuesday, but I was opening for the awesome band, Kevorkian Death Cycle.
My demo album, "Embryonic", was finally ready for release, and with it's original black and white cover, I had several copies ready for distribution. Although the audience was very sparse, several friends and fellow musicians came out to support my night, and I was happy to be on stage again with my new project (following my pre-Chiasm project "Electrophoretic Transfer", which had last played nearly 9 months earlier). I remember the members of KDC really enjoyed my stage video, which so happened to include some footage of Dr. Kevorkian's televised assisted suicide. This was also the first and only time Chiasm has performed with a live drummer..I think the venue scared him away and he was never seen again.. Anyhow, I had a great night and was just really excited to have my music heard.