Sunday, April 16, 2006 in Pontiac, MI
Clutch Cargo's iLounge with 8MM and many more
Wow, and ok. Still recovering from the long night as I post this, got some video for some stills, etc., so I'll get them up asap. Where to begin? I had really expected the night to be chaotic, and it fit the description pretty well, some pretty cool things mixed with some minor annoyances but nothing too difficult to recover from in the big picture. A cool thing: I was greeted early in the evening by the coordinator of a really cool podcast called ZALDOR'S WORLD who brought in all his interview gear, and we recorded a bit between sets at the merch table, cool guy too, you should check it out! There were also several fans who introduced themselves after hearing my music on the Vampire:The Masquerade-"Bloodlines" game there to check things out and show their support, so it was great to know some new Chiasm fans could make it to Pontiac for the evening! Minor annoyances included an unanticipated 7 bands on one stage, no organization or even an introduction from the promoter, no soundcheck, no sound GUY, a sub-standard sound system (which btw wasn't physically in the building until after doors were supposed to open) and our VCR decided to stop working just as we took the stage. On a good note, we ROCKED the house down regardless, we had awesome dancing fans that threw goats that hooted, hollered and had a great time, I had two very dynamic guitarists on stage, one who managed to buy himself a beer during the set (impressive!), and I was thoroughly entertained while performing. So YAY, that's what it's about, right? See you in Cincinnati!
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