The Haunt

August 2001: The Haunt : Digital Infection : Ithaca, NY
This was the first time I had ever driven to New York, and it was quite the road trip. I believe we took a detour and got "not lost", but saw lots and lots of beautiful countryside before we figured out where we were supposed to be. We drove underneath the lake instead of cutting through Canada to avoid any border issues, and met my brother (DJ Chris Rohn) and his fiance out there who were visiting Buffalo for a drum corp competition(?). Anyhow, we all made it. And the venue is awesome! It looked like quite a few well known bands have played there over the years, and was decorated in a pretty spooky manner, there was a deck out back and high ceilings and all that..really nice. There was also plenty of stage lighting which most of my shows lack..we usually go with the "shadows in the smoke" thing, but this was a great opportunity to get some brighter photos. You can find more on the Chiasm shows page. We had a decent turnout and enjoyed our stay..I recall our hotel room had flies on the ceiling, but why ask why?