Saturday, October 29, 2005 in Cleveland OH
At the Phantasy w/Razed in Black, MMTM, and Fr/action
Great show! I love playing Cleveland. It's like home but still an adventure. The show was put on by CABLE productions, who we were previously familiar with from the Motorpop:2 show in 2003, and our favorite sound guy, "Creep", was at the controls. Our set sounded incredible! This was also the first show I've played with an awful cold, so it was a slightly different experience on stage, but we had a video camera set up offside the stage, and from listening to that, I can actually say I sounded better than I expected. Whether it was the bag of cough drops I ate beforehand or the gallon of water I consumed, I'm not sure, but I may keep this in mind for future reference. A bunch of kids were wearing helmets and glowsticks (they're forgiven, it was halloween) and came out and started dancing. That's also when I accidentally stepped on my vocal effects controller pedal while at my keyboard and effectively switched it to the "Monster" sound which is a crazy 2-octave down pitchshifter, which I noticed right away and switched back, but it broke my stage fright for good and the performance was crazy fun after that. Ended the set with the Milkshake cover which went over great, suddenly the club was alive and moving! Yay for fun! A band from Pittsburgh named Fr/action opened for us, which I loved and hope to see again..reminded me of a robotic Buck Rodgers, sci-fi discotechque style! And our friends MMTM played, cool as always, as well as Razed in Black which are truly rock stars. We drove back to Detroit the same night, clocks switched back so we could pretend we were home an hour early. Forward and onward! Photos here!